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How to earn ePMX in Liquidity Mining as a Lender
How to earn ePMX in Liquidity Mining as a Lender
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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

The launch process for Credit Buckets is split into two stages: Accumulation and Stabilization. During the Accumulation stage, Traders aren't able to tap into the liquidity provided by Lenders, which is why there's no APY for the bucket at this juncture. Nevertheless, Lenders will obtain ePMX, allocated based on the amount and duration of their deposits.

IMPORTANT: Once the Bucket moves to the Stabilization stage, Lenders' liquidity will be locked and they can't withdraw it. On the other hand, Lenders depositing assets into Buckets in the Stabilization stage have the flexibility to withdraw their funds at any time. However, they do not earn any ePMX rewards related to liquidity mining.

Liquidity Mining Program 7% Bonus

During the Liquidity Mining Program, in addition to ePMX tokens, Lenders will receive a guaranteed reward of 7% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) in stablecoins for any bucket during both Accumulation and Stabilization stages.

NOTE: This reward will only be distributed once the Stabilization stage is completed. Also, please be aware that withdrawing your liquidity before the start of the Stabilization stage will result in no reward.

For detailed guidance please see How to earn as a Lender.

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