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How to earn as a Lender

This article explains how to make a Deposit in a Bucket and start earning lending interest

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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

To become a Lender on Primex and earn lending interest, you have to deposit assets in Credit Buckets. It takes a few simple steps outlined below.

Step 1. In the header menu, choose Earn->Buckets

Step 2. Choose your preferred Bucket and click on Deposit once you hover over it

NOTE: This is an example of the active Bucket. Each Bucket's lifecycle has several phases described in the Bucket stages explained and Liquidity Mining in Credit Bcukets articles.

Step 3. In the next window, enter the number of the asset you want to deposit or click MAX if you want to deposit the maximum available amount of assets on your wallet

Here you can also see the estimated daily ePMX reward (if available) which is proportional to the deposited amount.

Step 4. Click on the Deposit button and confirm the transaction in your blockchain wallet

If you deposit liquidity to a particular Bucket for the first time or didn't provide big enough approval earlier, you will have to sign two transactions - Approve and Deposit. If you click the checkbox 'Allow current balance for further transactions without approval', you will not have to send the approval transaction for the same Bucket again.

Step 5. Wait for a notification that your deposit has been successful

That's it! Now you will be earning passive income in the deposited asset based on the Interest Rate of a chosen Bucket. To learn more about Credit Bucket parameters you might want to consider when choosing buckets to lend, please refer to the article.

This guide explains how to check your Lender Balance and earned interest.

The steps described above are the common workflow, but you can also deposit to Buckets from other pages, such as:

Bucket Details page

To access it, click on the chosen Bucket name on the main Buckets page.

Table View
You can also deposit to a Bucket in the Table View on the Buckets page by hovering over the desired one and clicking Deposit.

Lender Deposits page

Go to Earn->Deposits. Here you can either deposit to buckets you lent to before or create a deposit in a new bucket (forwards you to the main Buckets page).

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