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How to check Bucket Details

This article will help you navigate Bucket Details page

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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

Often, we need more detailed information about Buckets and their parameters. For this reason, we have the Bucket Details page. You can always reach it by clicking on the Bucket's name or its Main Asset symbol.

On this page, you will find information similar to what you can see on the Bucket Card widget: detailed information about the Bucket, i.e. Name and Main Asset, Interest Rate, Utilization Ratio, Your Deposit, Total Demand, Available Liquidity, Total Supply

Max Leverage, Your Lender Reward rate in ePMX tokens per day. To learn about these parameters, please refer to the Bucket Parameters explained article.

NOTE: Your Deposit includes your Interest earned in the Main Bucket Asset based on the Interest Rate. This interest is automatically compounded with your deposit to earn you the yield.

The Bucket Card widget on this page also gives you the option to deposit and withdraw assets from the Bucket.

Right under Your Lender Reward rate, you can see your daily Trader Reward rate in ePMX.

Under the Bucket Card on the right side, you can also see your collected Lender reward that you can Claim anytime.

On the left side, you can see all available Trading Pairs for the Bucket with their maximum leverages. Clicking on any of the trading pairs opens the Trading page with the chosen pre-selected pair and Bucket on the trading widget.

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