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Trading page explained
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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

Trading page is your main tool as a Trader on Primex. Technically, it's a trading terminal designed for the best user experience in the decentralized Margin, Spot trading and Swaps

You can navigate to this page via the header menu Trade->Trading. By default, it looks like in the picture below.

NOTE: To see the Trading page, you need to connect your wallet.

There are 3 main blocks:

Trading Chart

On the left-hand side, you will find the standard instruments for analysis. We use the TradingView widget, which is popular among traders. The price data is provided by Trading View and you can choose to show the chart from any supported by Trading View DEX and even CEX, but please note that the price on the graph may differ from the oracle price (used as the trigger for conditional orders) and real execution price on DEXs calculated by Primex's Swap Router. When you change a pair or a DEX on the Trading Widget, the chart is automatically updated.

NOTE: When selecting Router, Splitter, Selector or a DEX which doesn't provide price data, the chart from the DEX chosen by Selector will show.

Open positions/orders and trading history section

Here, you have multiple tabs where you can track and modify your open positions and orders as well as review your positions, orders, and swaps history. This section is detailed in the article called How to check your Trader History and Margin, Spot 1X trading, and Swap guides.

Trading Widget

This is an instrument to maintain diverse types of trades such as Margin, Spot 1X (without leverage), and Swaps. It allows you to create both Market and Limit orders as well as set Stop Loss and Take Profit conditions and other parameters providing you with the flexibility to realize your trading strategy and risk management techniques.

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