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Primex DEX liquidity aggregation

This article explains Primex Router, Splitter and Selector mechanisms enabling Cross-DEX trading

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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

The current version of Primex already offers interoperability by being integrated with multiple DEXs. This means Traders can leverage Primex liquidity on DEXs that best suit their trading needs, without being limited to a specific DEX.

For example, a Trader can use DEX 1 to trade Pair A and DEX 2 to trade Pair B, leveraging Primex liquidity for both trades. Additionally, Traders can open a position on one DEX and close it on another. This provides more flexibility allowing cross-DEX arbitrage capabilities.

Primex further enhances Traders' flexibility by enabling them to split their trades and route them through multiple DEXs and pairs to get even better prices. This is realized via 3 mechanisms: Router, Splitter and Selector.

  • Primex Router splits swaps across multiple liquidity pools via several routes to find an optimal price, similar to Uniswap's Auto Router mechanism.

  • Primex Splitter is an aggregation solution that splits swaps across multiple DEXs to find the optimal price for the trade, such as 10% on DEX 1, 30% on DEX 2, and 60% on DEX 3.

  • Primex Selector automatically selects the best DEX for the trade instead of the Trader choosing a specific decentralized exchange, such as Curve or Uniswap.

NOTE: Primex Router combines all 3 mechanisms (Router, Splitter and Selector) to achieve the best price for traders. However, a Trader still has the flexibility to choose the preferred option among all three and even more - select a specific DEX.

Primex Finance DEX liquidity aggregator

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