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How to check your Lender Deposit
How to check your Lender Deposit

This article describes how to check your total Lender Deposits and deposit history

Primex Finance avatar
Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

First of all, it's important to note that your Lender Deposit, apart from the deposited principal, always includes the accumulated interest within a particular Bucket.

There are multiple places on Primex where you can check your bucket holdings.

Deposits page

1. Go to the header menu Lend->Deposits

2. On this page, you can see two main tables: Top up buckets and History of Actions.

3. In the Top up buckets table, you can see your Deposit balances at that moment grouped by Bucket. Here you can also sort deposits by the amount and interest rate by clicking on the respective header (click again to change the order).

4. In the History of Actions table, you can view the history of all your deposit and withdrawal operations. This table displays all your transactions without grouping them by Bucket. You can sort them by asset or by the time of the transaction.

NOTE: To improve the performance of the App, we started to hide actions history, giving you the option to load it manually "on demand".

Buckets page

1. Navigate to the header menu Lend->Buckets

2. Look at the Bucket Card you have an active deposit on. Under the Bucket name, on the left, you will see the Deposited value if you hover your cursor over the amount.

Bucket Details page

You can also find Your Deposit balance on the Bucket Details page after you click on a specific bucket in which you have an active deposit.

Table View

Last but not least, among other Bucket parameters, Deposited balances are shown in the Table View on the Buckets page.

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