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How to set Take Profit / Stop Loss
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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

Usually, traders want to control the risk of their position according to their trading strategy, so they decide upfront when they are going to exit it - fix their profits and limit losses. For this purpose, Primex offers closing conditions you can preset, such as Take Profit and Stop Loss.

You can set one or both conditions at the same time as they use different trigger prices.

Take Profit

Take Profit price is the trigger price at which the asset will be sold for Long positions or bought for Short positions to realize some profit, which you can set in percentage. Alternatively, you can enter a specific price manually in the price field.

Stop Loss

Stop Loss price is the trigger price at which the asset will be sold for Long positions or bought for Shorts when the market price goes against the trader's expectation, thus fixing some loss that satisfies their trading strategy. As with Take Profit, you can set the loss in percentage or enter the Stop Loss price manually.

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