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What’s next for Primex?
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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

Primex is a multichain protocol that will be released in several ecosystems, serving Lenders and DEX Traders.

The Primex team is continuously working on improving the overall user experience (UX) and user onboarding process. This includes integrating features like fiat on/off-ramp, tax report functionality, a referral program, and advanced user interfaces for Lenders.

In the upcoming months, the core team plans to focus on optimizing the core protocol features. This will involve implementing an off-chain order book to enhance the trading experience, introducing cross-chain Credit Buckets for cross-chain lending, and maximizing the utilization of Lender liquidity. The team is also looking to develop advanced API-based interfaces for larger, sophisticated traders. Additionally, there are plans to implement portfolio management features for Lenders, including portfolio auto-rebalancing and projections.

The most notable upcoming new features will address other leveraged use cases, such as leveraged LPing on existing DEXs, as well as integrations with lending protocols to enable leverage composability.

Furthermore, the team continues to work on the credit scoring mechanism to provide even more flexibility for Traders and Lenders.

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