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My transaction failed. What’s wrong?
My transaction failed. What’s wrong?
Primex Finance avatar
Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

If your transaction failed, there could be several reasons. Here are some common causes:

  • Insufficient Gas: If you didn't set a high enough gas price or limit, the transaction might fail because it ran out of gas.

  • Network Congestion: When many users are sending transactions, the network can become congested, leading to delays or failed transactions.

  • Insufficient Funds: Ensure you have enough of the cryptocurrency in your wallet to cover both the value of the transaction and the associated gas fees.

  • Token Allowances: If you're trying to swap or interact with a token, make sure you've approved the necessary allowances for the smart contract.

  • Canceled Transactions: Some trade transactions can be set to automatically cancel) under certain conditions set by traders on Primex. These conditions are Transaction Deadline and Slippage tolerance. For more details, kindly refer to the Expert Mode section.

To determine the exact reason for the failure:

  1. Check the transaction on a blockchain explorer (like Polygonscan). The error message might provide insights.

  2. Ensure you're using updated wallet software.

  3. Use our support channels or refer to your wallet provider's help/support.

Remember, while failed transactions won't result in the loss of the amount being sent, you'll still incur gas fees.

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