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Trader and Lender fees
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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

Trader fees

Traders pay three different types of fees on Primex:

  1. The borrowing fee for using Lenders’ liquidity, which is paid in the borrowed asset. A part of the borrowing fee — the Reserve fee — goes to the Reserve in the form of pTokens.

  2. The protocol fee is paid for protocol usage. It can be settled either in the chain’s native token (such as ETH) or in ePMX (the early version of the Primex protocol's native token) and is collected and stored in the Treasury.

    NOTE: There's a minimum fee of $3 (approx) to cover the Keeper costs regardless of the position size, however, the fee model will be redesigned to remove the minimum fee requirement on some networks. There still might be a minimum fee on some chains. For example, at the time of writing the fee is 0,3% on Arbitrum but no less than 0.0016 ETH. Protocol fees are subject to reduction as the trading volume grows. 

Lender fees

Lenders pay the withdrawal fee when they withdraw liquidity from buckets; it’s a percentage of the funds they withdraw.

For a deep dive, please refer to the section 5. Lenders’ interest and Traders’ fees of the Yellow Paper.

Gas fees

All the participants usually pay gas fees which are the costs paid for the usage of blockchain networks and smart contracts deployed on them. These fees depend on a specific blockchain, smart contract, and the network's workload. You are free to choose one of the supported networks with the lowest gas fees.

NOTE: Gas fees are NOT collected by Primex directly, but by the network the App is connected to.

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