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How to do a Limit Swap
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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

Creating a Swap Limit Order is almost identical to performing a simple Market Swap. The only difference is that the Limit Swap is not done immediately at the current market price, but instead, a Trader sets the Limit Price (different from the current market price) at which the Swap will be done when the market price reaches this Limit Price.

To learn how to do a Market Swap, kindly refer to the guide by the link.

In this one, we will cover the difference between creating a Market and a Limit Swap Order.

First, you need to switch to the Limit order option in the Trading Widget on the right.

After you do so, a new field will appear - Limit Price which you will have to set.

Let's take an example. Imagine you want to buy WBTC when its price falls to a certain level, e.g. 23000 USDC. The current market price is around 26500 USDC, so the limit price must be lower than that.

NOTE: At this point, we do not support Stop Buy Limit orders where you can set the Limit price higher than the current market price when it reaches a certain level above.

So, you enter 23000 into the Limit Price field:

In addition to the Limit price, Traders can decide on the time they are ready to wait till the market price reaches their anticipated Limit Price. Primex has the option to automatically cancel the order after a specified period. To realize this technique, you will have to set the Expires In parameter.

Custom gives you the most flexibility:

NOTE: No cancellation fee is charged when the order is canceled due to the Experis In parameter.

That's everything you need to know to work with Swap Limit Orders. All the rest of the steps are the same as for the Market Swaps.

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