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How to top up Trader Balance
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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

To top up your Trader Balance, please, follow the simple steps below.

Step 1. On the header menu, select Trade->Balance

Step 2. Click on the New Deposit button.

NOTE: In the My Balance table you can also add more assets to an existing balance.

Step 3. Choose your preferred asset and the amount or click on MAX to automatically pull up the maximum available amount on your blockchain wallet.

Step 4. Click on the Trader Deposit button to submit a deposit with the selected amount and asset.

Step 5. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

If you top up the balance for the first time or didn't provide big enough approval earlier, you need to sign two transactions - Approve and Deposit. If you click the checkbox 'Allow using my balance for further transactions without approval', you will not have to send the approval transaction for the asset again.

NOTE: Don’t worry if you see the amount in red and the warning icon, it will show only if you put that checkmark and it’s just the maximum number available in the programming language that is pushed to the wallet by Primex as the spending limit. Just click Next and then Approve.

Step 6. Wait for a notification that you have successfully made a deposit.

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