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Who can use Primex?

This article describes various roles users can perform within Primex

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Written by Primex Finance
Updated over a week ago

Primex users perform various roles in the system with different capabilities and incentives.

In this article, Primex's roles are described in short. For more details, please refer to the respective Help Center articles.

At the moment, there are 3 main roles on Primex - Lender, Trader, and Keeper (see the picture).

Primex Finance protocol scheme
  • Lender is a participant who deposits assets to Credit Buckets and receives interest based on that liquidity usage by Traders. Refer to the Who is Lender on Primex article to learn more.

  • Trader performs Swaps, Spot 1X, and Margin trading borrowing liquidity from Credit Buckets to use it as leverage in their positions. See Who is Trader on Primex.

  • Keeper​ is basically a node, run by an individual to perform decentralized position liquidations and limit orders including Take Profit and Stop Loss conditions. Read Who is Keeper on Primex for more details.

More roles may be introduced in future versions of the Primex protocol as we are willing to implement new use cases.

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